Monday, April 17, 2017

Ooooh ooooh halfway there......oooh oooh living on a prayer!

Image result for Halfway There

Phew....I have made it one week into my liquid diet!   It was only 7 days but it was a long journey.   Was it hard...YES...but definitely doable.  There is no way I could have done it without the support of my family, friends, and co-workers.   So many people were praying for me this week and I surely felt it.   God was carrying me every day, every meal, and through every hunger pain and headaches.  

I have discovered about myself this week:
  • I am able to say no to food.   My students wanted to share their food and candy with me all week (they didn't know until Friday about my surgery).  I got Easter treats through out the week, including candy, pizza (my favorite), and donuts.  
  • It's okay not to eat while so many others around you are eating.   I had to take my students to lunch and eat with them every day in the cafeteria.   WORST NIGHTMARE...SURROUNDED BY FOOD!   All of my co-workers were eating pizza and donuts during a staff meeting.  Key to that....always have your protein shake with you!   
  • When you know what the end goal is and getting off track can keep you from getting will do anything to do the right thing!  I know I need this surgery for a better life of health.   
I am proud of myself for making it through this week and staying committed when so many temptations came my way.  During this week I lost 11 pounds. It wasn't through my works or will power...Only God gave it to me.   I am one step closer to my body being the temple He wants it to be.  

Continue to pray for me...I still have one more week to go!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

It's the final countdown!

      Yesterday I began the hard part of this journey.  Two weeks of nothing but liquids,and one protein bar a day.   My diet will consist of 3-5 protein drinks/shakes and one ketojenix (sp) bar, and no caffiene 😢 We do this for different reasons:

  1. reduce the size of our liver
  2. reduce the size of our belly fat
    1. It gives the doctor a better view when operating
  3. To help get us in the habit of liquids the first 2 weeks after surgery.   We'll be like a baby training our new stomachs.  

Day 1 wasn't too bad until I had to go to Sam's to get some protein shake and there was food everywhere.  Then there's nothing but food on social media.  I may have to take a vacation from that least for a few days until I get a better grip on it.  
That was my food journal for yesterday....I added an extra shake at the end of the day so my total calories were 867 and protein was 146 g.  

Today I'm not feeling so hot.  A dull headache that won't go away and no energy.  Just blah feeling.   I'm hoping this doesn't last all 2 weeks.  My nutritionist said the first 48 hours are the only 14 hours to go 😬

I will check in later on in the week and let you know how I'm doing and how much weight I lost week one.   Pray for me to have endurance and to fight temptations that come my way!