Friday, May 8, 2015

Good Enough is the new perfect!

I don't know about you, but I'm constantly striving to be perfect.  To honest, I'm quite tired of it.   IT'S EXHAUSTING!  In my mind perfect is getting it right the first time, getting it done before anyone else, and having results NOW!  
Let's just face it, I've been living in a fantasy world.  It's time to face reality!

Luckily over the past couple of weeks, I've had a few experiences that have helped me open my eyes and realize that I'm good enough.  I don't know if you remember the SNL skit, but right now in my head (and imaginary mirror) I'm saying, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dag on it people like me".  I thought I had to be perfect in order to be liked.  

Two weekends ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the weekend with some wonderful, like minded ladies (more like sisters).   During the course I learned that I can acheive my dreams and I'm capable of more than I dreamed.  However, if I slip up along the way, it's ok.  I'm still good enough.  

In the past, if I didn't reach perfection for whatever reason, I would self sabotage. This was most evident in my healthy eating journey.  While I had great highs socially and in other areas, I was in valleys with my eating.  Some weekends I didn't have choices in my food, one week I was off work and my routine was all messed up.  I started making excuses and was like, "Since I've already eaten poorly, I might as well keep on."  BAD THINKING....I know!  It's what I do.  I'm an emotional eater, and don't do well with "social" eating.  If I'm in company and there's food, I want to eat it.  So for the past month, I've been in a constant battle with weight and food.  

Through this battle, I've learned a few things:

1) Give yourself grace.   It's okay if you don't get it right.  Learn from it, don't do it again, and get yourself together and move on.

2) Don't have a pity party.  Realize you messed up, fix it, and do it right from then on out.  If you had one bad meal, don't continue with more bad meals.  Exercise afterwards, eat right the rest of the day.   

3) Comparison is the thief of joy! Don't compare your journey to others'.  You will get where you need to be when God wants you to.  You will have to do the work in order to get there, but there is a reason it's not happening in the time frame you want it to.   IT WILL HAPPEN, just not at the same pace as the girl/guy next to you.  If you  focus on their journey instead of yours, you will MISS A WHOLE LOT!  

This is a book I've been reading for a couple of weeks.  I do one chapter a night before bed. It has really helped me understand what my dream is for my life, and that I have to rely on God for it all.  I can't do it on my own.   I highly recommend it!  

Keep your head up and remember, you're good enough!